

Dr Iain Beveridge

Dr Carole Collins

Dr Joel Mawdsley

Dr Kevin Monahan

Dr Krishna Sundaram

Their offices are located on Ground Floor East Wing behind OPD4.

Telephone numbers 5351 and 5352


Contact via their bleeps: 101, 171 and 309

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Sister Lynne McEvoy (bleep 041) provides support for patients with upper gastrointestinal malignancy, performs carbon urea breath tests and helps to assess patients for nutritional support including PEG tube feeding.  Referrals for PEGs need to be given to her directly.

General information

The gastroenterology team are based on Osterley 1 (third floor).     The whole team consists of 4 FY1’s, 2 FY2’s, 1 CT 1/2 and 3 SpR’s, but the ward is divided into two – base A and base B each headed by a Consultant.  The Consultants rotate on a monthly basis, there are always 2 ‘ward consultants’ at a given time.  The two bases usually operate as 2 separate entities, but if one team is down on team members it is expected that we help each other out.


We start every morning at 8.30 with a ‘board round’.  Everyone is expected to attend, alongside the ward OT, PT, discharge co-ordinator and a Senior nurse.  The point of this quick round is to highlight potential difficult discharges and to improve communication amongst the MDT.

Monday – we are always on-call on Mondays!  This means they can be a little busy, as half of the team are usually occupied. 

Tuesdays – Consultant ward round, starts after the board round.  MDT at 12pm – fingers crossed the Social Workers should attend…

Wednesday – Gastroenterology team meeting in the Education centre.  It starts as soon as the Upper GI MDT finishes, which is usually about 10.30am.  Its an opportunity to discuss any challenging patients and review any complaints and deaths.  All of the Consultants attend so its also an opportunity to discuss any concerns you have. 

Thursday – Radiology Meeting, education centre, straight after the board round.  Quite informal – we bring any radiology images we want clarification of to the meeting.   Its a good learning opportunity – the radiologists are happy to advise and teach at the same time.

Friday – Weekend handover 4-5pm in the Doctors office off AMU.  The gist of it is print off three lists (one each for FY1, SHO and SpR) highlighting any jobs for the weekend.  Priorities are obviously the unwell who need an SpR review, then discharges.  Try to ration the jobs – you’ll soon find out that weekends are busy enough without us inudating them with unecessary extras!

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